General Information

Full Name: Lyriah A. Karnelle
Aliases: Captain Karnelle, Goblin Wife, Freckles, Banshee, Ice Queen, Lyr
Race: Midlander, Hyur
Nationality: Born in Thanalan, Resides in Vylbrand.
Affiliations: Maelstrom, The Daughters of the Sun
Age: Appears to be in her early thirties.
Namesday: 29th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Height: 5'6 / 170cm
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: INTJ-T - Architect
Vices: Alcohol, Smoking
Orientation: Bi-sexual
Relationship Status: Single (Divorced)
Mental State: C-PTSD, Depression, Anxiety.


Years of war and and a life of instability made their impact on Lyriah and how she interacts with people. Usually she is described as cold, prickly, and distrusting; even under casual conversation, she rarely goes beyond polite responses unless a stiff drink is involved.People who seek out Lyriah for company or a friendly chat will not be rebuffed wholly, however, she tends to redirect more personal subjects back to the speaker rather than answer them.Those who stir up trouble to spite her will quickly find themselves at the other end of a weapon.

Likes & Dislikes

Good FoodBeing ColdOpen Stupidity
Meaningful ConversationBraggartsBeing underestimated
ExploringOverly nosy people"White Knights"
ReadingBroken PromisesBlatant betrayal
A cozy night inBlizzardsAirships

Notable Features

Common Appearance

Physically she is well built for the life of a lancer, lean muscle and a thin frame for the benefit of speed and endurance while being only an average height. She has auburn hair that, in the past, was tightly bound into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. Lately, however, she has worn it loose and short as a more preferred style. Many have noted that her complexion is rather pale for someone born in Thanalan.

Scars & Markings

Lyriah has a constellation of freckles over her nose and cheeks given her fair skin. Other scars are usually well hidden by her clothes, a diamond-shaped scar on her sternum, a larger scar on her left side just under the rib cage and various other battle scars she's achieved over the years.


Lyriah is usually well spoken, confident sounding, and only holds the slightest hint of an Ul'dahn accent. Over the years in service to the Maelstrom, she has picked up quiet an extensive vocabulary to add to it.


Lyriah dressed as most adventurers did, wearing clothing that would allow ease of movement and was appropriate for the climate. Usually, her attire consisted of jackboots, linen shirts, and buffalo leather pants which in most cases would be considered incredibly masculine. She rarely dressed to impress unless her job required it of her believing that the waste of gil was not worth the benefits, the only exception being an amethyst necklace her mother gave to her before she passed away.


In the Wild Encounters

  • Siroh'a Relanah (✔?) - While it was a chance meeting, and one that could be attributed by fate playing it's hand, Lyriah happened to visit the Grove on a whim. Within the first few moments, she found herself deep in conversation with the man who engaged her- finding the conversations they had relaxing and strangely comfortable even if they were perfect strangers.

Sanctus Refero

  • Sterne Evans (✔?) - Another old friend from back before the Calamity. It is rumored he is happily married.

  • Alona Rhys (✔?) - Lyriah's first boss and mentor, Alona was confirmed to be alive but to where the woman resides is a mystery.

  • Galvadan Edgecrusher (✔♡♢) - While they had a rocky relationship, Galv was one of Lyr's first friends. He is believed to be dead after the fall of Dalamud.

  • Gustav Lapis - ✔♡♢ Another soul believed to be lost to the Calamity much to Lyriah's sorrow.

  • A'eyshn Demiir (✔?) - Spunky and determined, Lyriah learned a lot from the Miqo'te who served with her at Sanctus and then later on in Nebulous. Believed to be alive, Lyriah has not seen her in some time.

House De'Bayle

  • Armont DeBayle (✔¥?♢) -A man of Ishgard who has assisted Lyriah in refining her skills with a lance and offered to serve as a gateway to Ishgard's markets. There was talk that an uncanny disappearance may have indicated the De'bayle lord perished. Causes are yet unknown.

  • Astrelle DeBayle (✔?) - Another DeBayle and arguably the spunkiest of the lot.

  • Ursulin Guerrique (¥?) - A Master in Arms for House DeBayle, Lyriah met the staunch Elezen through her interactions with Armont. She admires his dedication and fierce loyalty.

  • Alleria Surlant (✔♡) -The Elezen girl always dreamed of being a Knight but was cute and awkward when praised. Lyriah found these traits endearing and did what she could to support her in her dreams.


  • Deirdre Ta'ea (?) -The woman who carved Lyriah's more unique scars into her flesh. They've always had a turbulent relationship, but now that Lyriah has distanced herself from the woman, she understands her a bit better.

  • Aedida Aldricht (✔) - An Alliance officer of the Adders and curiously part of this group of 'Disposables'. Lyriah thinks she's refreshingly honest and spunky.

  • Rhin Str'iden (✔✬¥♡) - Another long time contact (And her current boss) from an age long past. Lyriah has had her ups and downs with Rhin but ultimately finds him to be a reliable friend.

  • Navei D'Asumiere (✔✬♡) - A life-long friend and war-companion, Navei and Lyriah were friends and co-workers since the beginning of their adventures.

  • Felicienne Cherrier (✔?) - Navei's ward, the curious young woman and Lyriah get along well though their interactions are few and far between.


  • Abigale Cross (♡✕?) - A woman who came to Lyriah with a problem to solve and a solution to solve it.

  • Yuracha D'Azul - (✕?) - A wastelander who runs with a group called the "Disposables". Breaking into her apartment didn't earn him any points, but she found his demeanor unalarming enough to have a conversation.

  • Ramirus Sidonius (✔¥) - Lyriah met him while serving as a prisoner. He was easy to speak to and he seemed to hold a measure of sympathy towards her plight. As events unfurled, they found themselves depending on each other to survive the task at hand, which kindled a friendship between them.

  • Elam Al'vain (?) - Cruel circumstances and oppositional view points were the foundations laid out when these two met in person. While uncovered truths and reliance created an alliance, there were attempts made on both sides to understand the other. Only time will tell if a friendship can be salvaged from the wreckage.

  • Ariadne Miller (✔?) - Miller was not a friend at first, but strangely, Lyriah found common ground with her. Brilliant in her own way, Miller embraces the feral side of nature that humanity desperately tries to shed from it's image.

Notable Mentions:

  • Selig Erdna - ✔♡♢ An old friend and associate who was lost to the Calamity.

Disclaimer! There are a lot of people Lyriah knows, so if you didn't find yourself listed and we've rped, don't worry! I'll get to you! <3 This is very WIP.

Hooks & Rumors

  • Grand Companies: Lyriah currently works with the Maelstrom but she’s had an active military career most of her life. Anything involved with the Grand Companies is sure to spark a conversation.

  • The Underground: While she would never admit to such accusations while in the public eye, this Maelstrom officer has dealings in the criminal underworld.

  • Ishgard: Lyriah loves Ishgard because of her trade relations with high-paying citizens. She doesn’t always agree with everything involving Ishgard’s politics, but she sees the potential that is being laid out. People may recognize her in the markets, or as the woman who seemed fairly out of place in a crowd.

  • Sparring: Battle has been Lyriah’s life since she was old enough to hold a weapon. She enjoys taking any chance she can to improve on her skills.

  • Trading: Lyriah trades in anything from textiles to medicine and for higher paying clients: Airship parts.



Lyriah's parents came from very different lifestyles; her father, Weston Karnelle, grew up on the docks of Limsa as a fisherman's son before taking up music and dashing off to begin life as a wandering minstrel. Lyriah's mother, Flarah Piper, grew up in a middle-class family with two older sisters in one of Gridanias more successful merchant families.
Weston met her mother when he took a detour to Gridania and played for the ladies who attended at Mih Khettos Amphitheatre. When they met, a love bloomed that ultimately led to the couple eloping after much resistance from Flarah's father. They made a pilgrimage to the then dilapidated ruins of the Sanctum of the Twelve and exchanged vows at Menphina's marker.
When Lyriah got a little older Weston made arrangements with an adventurer acquaintance of his, a lancer hailing from far off Coerthas, to teach Lyriah the fundamentals of the spear. While Flarah initially opposed the idea of her daughter taking up arms, Weston was ultimately able to persuade her of the merits of martial training early on, even if only for self defense.
Sadly, a few years later Flarah was stricken with an illness that swept through the hamlets bordering the Twelveswood. As an outsider, Weston was unable to secure treatment from the Stillglade Fane so he turned to the doctors of Frondale's Phronistery in Ul'dah. However such alchemical remedies were prohibitory expensive for the earnings of a mere traveling minstrel, so he was forced to take up as an indentured laborer in the Nanawa Mines to continue to pay for Flarah's medicine. Tragedy would strike when Weston was lost during a mineshaft collapse, and without him to fund Flarah's treatments she too passed soon after.
Without either of her parents, Lyriah was left with the debt her father gave his life to pay off and little else. She took the lessons she learned from her parents and made for the Adventurer's Guild to start earning gil


Before Dalamud

Lyriah grew with her experiences, working odd jobs here and there to earn enough gil to feed herself and cover the expenses needed to pay for a grave stone with her parents names on it. She learned to sleep outside, make her own meals, and even how to treat wounds and scapes from other more experienced adventurers passing through. Through trial and error, Lyriah became self sufficient and when her eighteenth name day approached she set her eyes towards Limsa for more work.
Limsa was a wonder to behold and she fell in love with it instantly. While exploring the city, Lyriah stumbled upon an altercation between a larger Roegadyn and a Highlander woman later revealed as Alona Rhys. Lyriah came to the woman's defense and once the situation was resolved, Alona offered the newcommer a place among her crew.
Now tasked with watching over Alona's prized ship and her cargo, Lyriah took her duty seriously and started to inspire others to help with the security efforts that were needed. Over that span of time, she came to regard Alona and her first mate, Sterne, as very close friends and would do anything that Alona asked of her.
Several moons passed before things started changing at the company; disagreements between members of a militarized group of mercenaries and Sanctus Refero which landed Lyriah a promotion to Head of Security. The resulting chaos kept Lyriah busy while her then fiancé went behind her back and took a lover.
The betrayal was revealed when the woman flaunted the affair to Lyriah, causing her to respond in anger by drawing her lance. They fought for a time but in the end, Lyriah dealt a killing blow. The intentions of her actions did not meet the reality of what she had done. Instead of reporting the kill, she rolled the body off the dock, tossed the ring into the ocean and immediately put in her resignation with the company.